Friday 15 March 2013

Making a stain

This is the recipe to make Alexander's stain. It was a bit like following a recipe except there was no licking the spoon and these ingredients could kill me!

 This is Malachite Green. I had to add 0.02gm of it. That is an incredibly small amount. I had to use special scales that could weigh down to 0.0001 of a gram. They were in a special box because even a person moving by would cause them to flucuate.

This is a special instrument for measuring out precise amounts. I could set it to draw up anywhere from 0.1 ml to 40ml.

Here I am using the magnetic stirrer.

This is another stain. It is bright red.

This is Glycerol.

This is the most dangerous chemical in the recipe. I had to use a fume cupboard to ensure that I did not breath any in. It has a very strong odour and can make you very ill.

This is the last chemical I added. I have heard of Lactic acid building up in muscles but did not know it was used in chemistry.

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