Monday 29 April 2013

Of Interest at Massey

There are so many exciting things to see and read about at Massey. Every department has displays and information posters regarding the projects they have worked on.

Here are some of the more interesting things I have seen.

 This is a real skeleton of a Cheetah in the Ecology Department. It's amazing! You can see by the way they've displayed it that the Cheetah is extremely nimble and powerful. I love looking at this display.

This is a huge glass tank FULL of cockroaches! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! They breed them for research work and so that the students can run experiments and dissect them to view under microscopes.

This is Zebra Stone. There are lots of interesting rocks, fossils and meteorites displayed in the Geology Department. I thought this one was particularly interesting. The article below talks about this six hundred million (600,000,000) year old mystery from Australia.

It's mushroom season. These beautiful specimen's were growing in Bledisloe Park alongside Massey. I have to walk through this bush reserve to get to my bee hives

This is one of the bridges in Bledisloe Park.

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